

Dear WISD Family,

I hope this message finds you in good health and high spirits. It is with great pride and enthusiasm that I address you as the Superintendent of WISD, the home of the Raiders.

Our school is not just a place of learning; it is a community where excellence is nurtured, and dreams are realized. The heart of our success lies in the dedication and brilliance of our students. Our Raiders are not just students; they are smart, passionate, and dedicated individuals who excel in every endeavor they pursue. Whether it's academics, arts, sports, or community service, our students stand out, showcasing their talents and commitment to excellence.

Behind the success of our students stands a team of devoted educators and staff members who work tirelessly to ensure that every child reaches their full potential. Our teachers are not just instructors; they are mentors, guiding our students through the journey of education. The commitment of our staff to the success of our students is truly commendable, and their hard work is reflected in the achievements of our Raiders.

At WISD, we believe in fostering a sense of family that extends beyond the school walls. Our community is more than just a group of individuals; we are a family united by a common goal – the success and well-being of our students. Together, we create an environment where every child feels supported, valued, and inspired to reach for the stars.

As we celebrate our achievements, we also recognize the importance of continuous improvement. WISD is committed to enhancing our programs, upgrading our facilities, and refining our instructional methods to ensure that we provide the best possible education for our students. We are a district that embraces change and innovation, always striving for excellence.

In conclusion, I want to express my gratitude to each member of the WISD family – students, parents, teachers, staff, and the entire community. Your collective efforts and unwavering support make WISD the exceptional district it is today. Together, we will continue to grow, learn, and excel, shaping the future of our Raiders and the community we hold dear.

Thank you for your commitment to excellence and for being an integral part of the WISD family.


Dave Wilcox

Winnsboro Independent School District Superintendent of Schools